To summarize the tabbrowser work so far:
- Tabbrowser-tabs are now fully transparent to the nature of their linked panels. The tab panel a tab is associated with is now stored in its linkedTabPanel property, though the linkedConversation property is still set (identical to linkedTabPanel) - it can be used to check if a tab holds a conversation, and conversation specific code is more easily understood.
- Tabbrowser now accepts non-conversation tabs and displays them without errors.
- All basic functions like moving tabs around, detaching and reattaching, opening in a new window, etc. work for these tabs.
- Tab specific context menu items are handled by getting a NodeList containing menuitems from the tab panel.
- Cleanup has been done to make tabbrowser as transparent to tab content as possible.
- Fields like mCurrentConversation, mCurrentBrowser, etc are replaced by properties which return them from mCurrentTab. This saves setting them in different places - now only mCurrentTab needs to be set.
- Some changes have been made in other files to make them aware that not every tab holds a conversation (keyboard shortcut commands for e.g.).
- Tooltips need to be taken care of. I've looked into this and it doesn't seem to be too tricky. I currently plan to do something similar to the menuitems, where the tab panel returns its tooltip data.
- It needs to be decided whether the tabPanel binding - which now functions as an abstract class - should be kept or not. Though it doesn't do much, it can be good documentation for developers who want to add non-conversation tabs.
- As an alternative to having pre-defined methods that are expected to exist in all tab panels, DOM events could be fired and tab panels could respond to them as they wish (as suggested by flo).
- After this, the changes need to be reviewed and checked-in to fix bug 426.
- This isn't exactly a pending task, but it was proposed in IRC that awesometab's algorithm could learn from logs so that users could benefit right away.
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